With our call recording service, you can easily record all your calls, or choose to record only selected calls - the choice is completely up to you! With the flexibility to choose between automatic or manual recording, and the ability to customize recording for different response groups, our service gives you full control over your recordings.
With our easily managed call recording service, you can handle it smoothly from both your mobile and computer. Whether your purpose is to comply with regulations and requirements or to improve customer service and staff training, our service provides the flexibility and functionality you need.
Instead of using our built-in call recording function, you can take advantage of our webhook for external handling. With this function, you can retrieve the call and receive the metadata separately to then manage them in a way that suits you. This includes the ability to use AI for call analysis.
We are proud that our call recording service is fully compliant with MiFID II and other relevant legal requirements, providing you with security and confidence when managing your recordings. With our solution, you can be assured that you are meeting all the requirements while taking advantage of the benefits of recorded calls to improve your business.
The conversations are securely stored in Telink and encrypted to guarantee your security. You also have the option to download the conversations and store them in another location if desired.
We offer generous storage capacity that allows up to 30,000 conversations per user and up to 300,000 conversations for each response group. By default, conversations are stored for 6 months.
However, if you wish to change these settings, it is completely up to you to do so!
According to the Penal Code Chapter 4, it is allowed to record a call if at least one of the participants is aware of the recording. This means that if you are one of the participants in the call, you are considered an aware participant and the recording is allowed. It is important to understand that this rule applies to all types of calls, not just phone calls.
However, if none of the parties in the call are aware of the recording, it is considered eavesdropping, which is illegal according to the law.
So, how should companies approach call recording?
It is always important to be clear and transparent towards the callers. Inform the other party/parties that the call is being recorded and explain the reason for doing so. This ensures open and honest communication and avoids any misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations.
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