Record all your calls, or just certain ones, it's up to you! With our call recording service, you can choose automatic or manual recording, and you can also choose to record certain response groups while others are not recorded.
The flexible service is easy to manage, and it can be done just as easily on your mobile as on your computer, all in compliance with MiFID II.
Which users or response groups should be recorded? With Telink, you can manage all recording administration directly on your mobile or computer.
You can easily select which users or response groups should be recorded, and you can just as easily add more licenses.
As an administrator, you can configure if the user should manually be able to start and stop recordings.
The conversations are stored in the Telink app and are encrypted. If you want, you can save them and store them in another location.
Our storage allows for 150,000 conversations per user and 300,000 for a response group. We have set a default storage limit of 6 months.
If you want to change it, feel free!
Our experts are ready to showcase our flexible platform and answer your questions.
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